(805) 373-7073 Appointment

Acne Treatment in Thousand Oaks, CA

Thousand Oaks acne treatment model with blonde hair

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Calabasas, Malibu, Agoura Hills, and Camarillo

Clearer skin is closer than you think.

Clearer skin is closer than you think. Dr. Azar offers revolutionary Sebacia acne treatments in Thousand Oaks to help patients achieve clear skin while reducing the need for daily medication. The treatment is comfortable and includes three brief sessions lasting between 30 and 45 minutes each, which are spaced out over the course of two weeks. There is no required downtime following treatment sessions, so you may immediately go back to your regular activities, such as work or school.

What is sebacia acne treatment?

Dr. Azar’s specialized sebacia acne treatment involves massaging gold microparticles into the pores, followed by a laser session in his office in Thousand Oaks. Targeting the gold particles with the laser has been shown to reduce the size of oil glands in the skin and eliminate stubborn acne in adults. Think of it as laser removal of the oil glands, similar to how laser hair removal removes hair, except with Sebacia, we are removing oil glands.

It is recommended that patients undergo three treatments, with one week between visits. After that, most Thousand Oaks acne treatment patients will observe a considerable improvement in the clarity and tone of their skin for up to 2 years and potentially longer. Patients can safely continue using the majority of acne medications, such as lotions and medications, even while they are undergoing laser treatment for acne.Once the Sebacia treatment has began working, some of the daily skin products and medications can be weaned off with the supervision of our staff. This would usually begin between 3 and 6 months after treatment. Some patients may elect to do one or two additional treatments at six months from their initial treatment to further reduce oil production if needed.

What are the benefits of acne treatment?

Sebacia acne treatment works to target the root causes of acne without the downtime or bothersome side effects that come with many other treatments.

Each appointment is quick, comfortable, and non-invasive. The end result is smoother, clearer skin for both adolescents and adults. Sebacia acne treatments with Dr. Azar may reduce or eliminate the need for daily acne medication. Most people see a gradual improvement in their skin beginning as soon as 1 month after the treatment, however most patients will take a bit longer and improvement can take up to 3-6 months to be realized. The duration has been shown to be as long as 2 years in studies but could be longer lasting.

Thousand Oaks acne treatment model with blonde hair

Am I a good candidate for acne treatment?

Goodbye, Oily Skin

Most people who are experiencing chronic, visible, active acne are ideal candidates for sebacia acne treatment. If other treatments such as creams and medications are not working against stubborn, persistent acne, you are more than likely a good candidate. Also, any patients who do not want to take Accutane or isotretinoin are excellent candidates since the Sebacia acne treatment is non toxic and non invasive. Give us a call and consult with one of our knowledgeable staff today!

Your Acne Treatment Procedure

Long-Term Clarifying Benefits

As the first step of your treatment, a certified clinical assistant will administer the sebacia gold microparticle formulation by massaging it into your skin. This brief facial massage helps the gold ions in the formulation penetrate more deeply into your pores. Following this step, Dr. Azar treats the patient's skin using a dermatological laser. When the gold microparticles in the pores are heated by the laser, the oil glands are shrunk down and tightened as a result.

Westlake village acne treatment model with blonde hair

Schedule your Thousand Oaks acne treatment consultation with Dr. Azar today

If you are wondering if sebacia acne treatment is right for you, request a consultation with Kouros Azar, M.D., to discuss the possibilities. Or you can call our office at (805) 373-7073, and one of our knowledgeable, friendly staff members will schedule your appointment.

Westlake village Azar Plastic Surgery and Med Spa office staff

Acne Treatment Recovery

The Ultimate Weapon Against Acne

There is no downtime for sebacia acne treatment, and sessions are completed in under an hour. Afterward, a patient’s skin may experience tenderness or a burning sensation. Symptoms such as these can be controlled with over-the-counter pain medications and by staying out of direct sunlight to allow the best possible healing conditions for your irritated skin.

Acne Treatment Results

A Clear Face You’ll Love

Optimal results will show up several weeks after the final therapy session. One study found that individuals who were given sebacia acne treatment saw a reduction in the number of spots on their skin by 50 percent four weeks after treatment. They experienced a 72 percent decrease twelve weeks after the completion of the treatment.

Acne Treatment Frequently Asked Questions

Will it hurt?

Following an acne treatment Thousand Oaks patients may experience a slight burning sensation. In most cases, this sensation is mild and passes within a few hours, or by the following day at the latest.

What are the risks?

Although adverse effects are uncommon, there is a chance of blistering, ongoing pain, or burns. Changes to the pigment of your skin and scars are also possible. At your consultation, Dr. Azar will assess your skin to ensure that you are at a low risk for adverse reactions.

Schedule your Thousand Oaks plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Azar today

Dr. Kouros Azar, founder and medical director of Azar Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, is an attentive listener, a devoted surgeon and doctor, and a highly-skilled biomedical engineer. He matches his patients with the best possible treatments by drawing on his extensive expertise, compassion, and research skills. Make an appointment with Dr. Azar now to discuss your rejuvenation options.

425 Haaland Dr #200, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361

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